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Why the Isochain? Unlocking Superhuman Strength—Fast

There is a “secret” of incredible power which was already known to all the old-time strongmen. It’s a notion we rarely even think about as we train day-to-day, but it’s a concept fully understood by modern physiology, myology and neurology. The secret is this: You are already incredibly strong.

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How Isochain Training Can Make Your Combatives More Lethal

Let's consider the key Isochain exercises, which IMO allow the Fairbairn strikes to be so devastating. First and foremost is core training for the thighs, hips, and low back, as all Combatives work involves the TOTAL body.

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The Great Isochain Health Lift

Recently Dragon Door's John Du Cane and I were discussing the bone density-building factor of possible heavy lifts with the Isochain. The Hand & Thigh gives the “best bang for the buck” allowing the utmost weight possible for an Isochain leg lift...

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JohnMcKean ISOCHAIN lead


There's something amazing about a rugged solid-steel chain that invokes sheer power! In my initial experiences with the ISOCHAIN, I was pulling and pushing against familiar rock-solid links. Training became very real in a hurry as I no longer had that slight, nagging worry about stretching or ripping a towel, rope, strap, or sock. I am once again an IRON MAN! The neat thing for me is that with 35 years of All-Round weightlifting experiences, I can now convert every exercise into a brutal ISOCHAI​

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Dr Steve Horwitz Deadlift 501 Front

A Physician’s Personal Remedies for Beating COVID

So how am I preparing my body and mind for COVID? Full disclosure: I have a very strong (yes, pun intended) bias toward functional medicine and the general health approach discussed in the fantastic book: Strong Medicine. Disclaimer: This article is written for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

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From Fear to Flow

From Fear to Flow - Excerpt from The Wedge by Scott Carney

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The Science of Isometrics Part I: The Third Law of Strength

There are THREE major Laws of Strength. (I don’t mean “laws” like train your core or bench press on Monday. I’m talking about genuine, well-established scientific principles. Strap yourself in, Jimmy.) If you want to reach the peak of your potential in the fastest possible time, you need to be utilizing all three—right now. (Yesterday, in fact.)

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ISOCHAIN Plus the Weights? The Best of Both Worlds!

Yes, the ISOCHAIN is a viable form of resistance training. Isometric work will make you stronger. It will make you bigger, too, if that’s how you use it. So many studies have proven this now, nobody who knows what they’re talking about will dispute it.

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Since the initial announcement regarding the ISOCHAIN, Dragon Door has been inundated with emails regarding the device—wanting to know everything from the expected release date, to shipping issues and training queries. In this article, we will be answering the ten most common questions.

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How the ISOCHAIN Can Help Women Athletes Meet and Exceed Their Goals

At first glance, the ISOCHAIN might seem specifically beneficial for men, but isometric training can benefit all athletes. In fact, women have already been practicing versions of isometric exercises for years...

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