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May 24 - 30, 2015 Workshops

RKC Certification - Shanghai, China
Event Details
Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Saturday, May 30, 2015
The Tera Wellness Club City Chamber ('Cheng Shi Hui Suo' in pinyin)
No.1, He’nan Rd Central, Indoor basketball court, 7th floor
Huangpu District

Ruben Payan

Taught by Master RKC, Josh Henkin

Tuition: $899 or 5,500 RMB.
To register with RMB visit http://www.ihpchina.com/en/


This course qualifies for 2.5 ACE CECs and 1.9 NASM CEUs

The RKC is Ace Approved for 2.5 ACE CEU        NASM Pre Approved Provider, the RKC qualifies for 1.9 NASM CEUs

RKC ReCertification - Shanghai, China
Event Details
Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Saturday, May 30, 2015
The Tera Wellness Club City Chamber ('Cheng Shi Hui Suo' in pinyin)
No.1, He’nan Rd Central, Indoor basketball court, 7th floor
Huangpu District

Ruben Payan

Taught by Master RKC Josh Henkin


This course qualifies for 2.5 ACE CECs and 1.9 NASM CEUs

The RKC is Ace Approved for 2.5 ACE CEU        NASM Pre Approved Provider, the RKC qualifies for 1.9 NASM CEUs

RKC Certification - Shanghai, China
Event Details
Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Saturday, May 30, 2015
The Tera Wellness Club City Chamber ('Cheng Shi Hui Suo' in pinyin)
No.1, He’nan Rd Central, Indoor basketball court, 7th floor
Huangpu District

Ruben Payan

Taught by Master RKC, Josh Henkin

Tuition: $899 or 5,500 RMB.
To register with RMB visit http://www.ihpchina.com/en/


This course qualifies for 2.5 ACE CECs and 1.9 NASM CEUs

The RKC is Ace Approved for 2.5 ACE CEU        NASM Pre Approved Provider, the RKC qualifies for 1.9 NASM CEUs

RKC ReCertification - Shanghai, China
Event Details
Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Saturday, May 30, 2015
The Tera Wellness Club City Chamber ('Cheng Shi Hui Suo' in pinyin)
No.1, He’nan Rd Central, Indoor basketball court, 7th floor
Huangpu District

Ruben Payan

Taught by Master RKC Josh Henkin


This course qualifies for 2.5 ACE CECs and 1.9 NASM CEUs

The RKC is Ace Approved for 2.5 ACE CEU        NASM Pre Approved Provider, the RKC qualifies for 1.9 NASM CEUs

HKC - Encinitas, CA, May 30th, 2015
Event Details
Saturday, May 30, 2015
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Ambition Athletics
613 Westlake St
Encinitas, California 92024
United States

Max Shank

Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification™ (HKC™)

with Master RKC Max Shank

This course qualifies for .8 ACE CECs and .8 NASM CEUs

The HKC is Ace Approved for 0.8 ACE CEU        NASM Pre Approved Provider, the HKC qualifies for 0.8 NASM CEUs
RKC Certification - Shanghai, China
Event Details
Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Saturday, May 30, 2015
The Tera Wellness Club City Chamber ('Cheng Shi Hui Suo' in pinyin)
No.1, He’nan Rd Central, Indoor basketball court, 7th floor
Huangpu District

Ruben Payan

Taught by Master RKC, Josh Henkin

Tuition: $899 or 5,500 RMB.
To register with RMB visit http://www.ihpchina.com/en/


This course qualifies for 2.5 ACE CECs and 1.9 NASM CEUs

The RKC is Ace Approved for 2.5 ACE CEU        NASM Pre Approved Provider, the RKC qualifies for 1.9 NASM CEUs

RKC ReCertification - Shanghai, China
Event Details
Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Saturday, May 30, 2015
The Tera Wellness Club City Chamber ('Cheng Shi Hui Suo' in pinyin)
No.1, He’nan Rd Central, Indoor basketball court, 7th floor
Huangpu District

Ruben Payan

Taught by Master RKC Josh Henkin


This course qualifies for 2.5 ACE CECs and 1.9 NASM CEUs

The RKC is Ace Approved for 2.5 ACE CEU        NASM Pre Approved Provider, the RKC qualifies for 1.9 NASM CEUs