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The Naked Warrior
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The Naked Warrior

"Master the Secrets of the Super-Strong
—Using Bodyweight Exercises Only


DVD, 37 minutes

Book also available—Paperback and Digital editions

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From the ancient days of Greek wrestling, to the jealously guarded secrets of Chinese Kung Fu masters, to the hard men of modern spec ops, warriors and allied strongmen have developed an amazing array of skills for generating inhuman strength without access to the tools available in the modern gym.

Now, for the first time, Russian strength expert and former Spetsnaz instructor Pavel Tsatsouline has gathered many of these devastating techniques into one highly teachable skill set. In The Naked Warrior Pavel reveals exactly what it takes to be super-strong in minimum time—when your body is your only tool.

These Bodyweight exercises will allow you to build functional MAX Strength, when access to a gym is impossible... Thus making you a true Naked Warrior.

The Naked Warrior (DVD) - $34.95
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The Graduate Course In Instant Strength Gains
"I went from 5 to 10 pullups in one week."

"I could do one wobbly one-legged squat…
[Two weeks later] I did 5 clean, butt-to-ground pistols."

"Last night I did 15 one-arm pushups with each arm.
Two months ago I couldn't do one complete rep."

Have you noticed—the greater a man's skill, the more he achieves with less? And the skill of strength is no exception. From the ancient days of Greek wrestling, to the jealously guarded secrets of Chinese Kung Fu masters, to the hard men of modern spec ops, warriors and allied strongmen have developed an amazing array of skills for generating inhuman strength.

But these skills have been scattered far and wide, held closely secret, or communicated in a piecemeal fashion that has left most of us frustrated and far from reaching our true strength potential.

Now, for the first time, Russian strength expert and former Spetsnaz instructor Pavel has gathered many of these devastating techniques into one highly teachable skill set. In The Naked Warrior Pavel reveals exactly what it takes to be super-strong in minimum time—when your body is your only tool.

  • Gain more brute strength in days than you did in years of bodybuilding or calisthenics
  • Discover the martial secrets of instant power generation—for rapid surges in applied strength
  • Discover how to get a world-class powerlifter's quality workout—using your body only
  • Master the one-arm/one-leg pushup for crushing upper body force
  • Forge super-piston, never-quit legs with the Spetsnaz favorite "Pistol"
  • Discover the magic of "GTG"—guaranteed the world's most effective strength routine
  • Be tow-truck strong—yet possess the rugged looks of a stripped-down racer
  • Get a harder, firmer, functionally-fitter body—and be as resilient as hell whatever you face
  • No gym, no weights, no problem—get a dynamite strength workout at a moment's notice—wherever you are
Read Reviews For: The Naked Warrior (DVD)
8.81 out of 10 (37 reviews)
Rated 10/10 You just thought you knew about bodyweight exercises!
By James Copelin, Texoma Judo-Jujitsu / Wichita Falls, TX

Pavel's DVD is a treasure trove of information for any beginner or expert strength trainer. I was trained by Bill Starr in Power Lifting and Weight Lifting(Olympic Lifting to the ignorant.) and was a personal trainer/instructor 26 years, Military Police/Correctional Officer for 11 years and coaching/instructing Judo and Ju-jitsu for the last 8 years, and I was in the Marine Corps, Navy, and the Guard for giggles and grins, so I have some knowledge on the subject matter. I can honestly say that Pavel is 100% correct! Give his DVD or book a shot (hell, I bought both!) and you'll see that you don't need hundreds of reps or dozens of different exercises to become rock hard and strong as coiled steel. What Pavel and Bill Starr have in common is that neither of them accept Status Quo in their work and they both know how to make you STRONG. Both Pavel and Starr looked beyond traditional Western methods and dogma regarding what it takes to get strong. But, as far thinking as Bill's classic work "The Strongest Shall Survive Strength Training for Football" was Pavel's works are light years ahead of the pack. What would you expect from someone who got to use Spetsnaz soldiers for guinea pigs and had all of the Evil Empire's sport science data at his disposal. This guy just keeps getting better and better! Those who whine about "too few exercises" "too expensive" obviously don't know their ass from a hole in the ground! Remember, you get what you pay for! Less IS more! When the exercises WORK don't cry about your pencil neck gym class going bye bye, strap on a pair and do the exercises and become a man! Then maybe you'll be able to pick up a Russian Kettlebell! Pain tells you you are still alive, enjoy the pain.

Rated 10/10 The one stop crash course to super strength
By SSGGLASS / USAF, Okinawa Japan

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this video is the offical lecture of super strength. Want to be stronger then every one around you, but can't get to a gym? Not a problem, because Paval teaches you how to get a powerlifters work out with what ever you have now. This program is for every one, even if you can't do a single one arm push up (you will be soon!) This program picks up where Power! To the People left off on tension and effective training. Grease the Groove will fill you with power! If you are not willing to pay the measely asking price for this kind of information, then you are a fool.

Rated 10/10 Top Class DVD
By scottie / Dublin EIRE

EXCELLENT!!! Bought it, watched it, then watched it all over again twice more. Great to have the book and dvd together. Very well made and with highly pactical techniques. No gibberish, just genuine strength. Recommended.

Rated 10/10 warrior workout
By karla peters / lake illa, il.

i am into tomorrow. i plan to do the best that i will get from it.

Rated 9/10 The Naked Warrior is a must for travelers!
By Craig Merritt / Sioux Falls, SD USA

I frequently travel for my work and many hotels have little or no exercise equipment. The knowledge I gained from the Naked Warrior allows me to get a good strength workout no matter where I stay. I give this a 9.5. It would be a 10 but I would like to have seen a few more suggestions for different types of workout routines.

Rated 9/10 Great choice if you're interested in bodyweight training
By Robert Dorf / Cherry Hill, NJ, USA

As good as the Naked Warrior book was, some of the movements still didn't click for me until I saw them demonstrated. The DVD really made a difference.

Rated 10/10 Bodyweight training is KIng again!
By Gil Flores / San Mateo, CA

The Naked Warrior brings bodyweight exercises to the forefront
of fitness routines! Pavels no nonsense approach and solid technical
instructions make free hand exercise a breeze. Me doing 1 handed
push-ups? I never thought so, but I am on my way! Yes - get this DVD!

Rated 10/10 Excellent
By Jeanette / Greece, New York

My boyfriend has the book and so I got him the DVD to go along with it -- excellent run through by Pavel and he even adds a little humor.

Rated 9/10 Extraordinary Experience
By Chandler / Nixa, Mo USA

-This was the stuff your highschool gym coach should have taught you, but didn't.-
Being a frequent 'road warrior' I often find myself staying in hotels that tout their 'GYM' as an important feature and amenity. These so called GYMs are usually woafully inadequate, or in some cases non existent.
Watching this video, I was struck by the concept that not only could I get an amazingly beneficial strength practice in while on the road, but could add two brutally effective and impressive techniques to my already rigorous routines.
Having purchased several of Pavel's books and videos, and already incorporating dead lifts, presses, and kettlebell training into my routines, my body has been transforming itself into a Spetsnaz recruiting poster.(Thank You Pavel!)
The Naked Warrior DVD REALLY helped me to master these two amazingly effective exercises because I could watch the movments over and over, and thus critically adjust my own faltering form, and figure out where I was "leaking power".
Pavel just seems to understand where you might hit SNAFUs and addresses these as well as offers suggestions and tips for how to avoid them.(very comprehensive)
As far as personal application of these exercises goes, the one arm push-up gets practiced mostly on the road, however I find myself practicing my pistols and their variations almost daily, both "naked" and with a 24kg kettlebell.
The benefits of this exercise alone on overall strength and conditioning cannot be over-emphasized. My dead lifts skyrocketed as a result of this little training nugget. The psychological impact of being able to do something very few "fit" people are capable of is an amazing confidence builder as well.
All in all I am VERY happy with my purchase of the DVD. If you are one of those people that can learn by reading only, I applaud you. The Naked Warrior book is certainly a great purchase and an engrossing read. But if you're like me and need a good visual reference and example to follow to really excel, then do yourself a favor and also buy the DVD. You won't regret it.

Rated 10/10 Nothing Better !!!
By John McCormick / Iowa, IA USA

I have been using this program for over 2 years now. It?s the only strength training I use, and the only one I will probably ever use. This is the real deal; I?m just now able to do the more difficult things on the DVD with maximum proficiency. There is no question this DVD makes you stronger. I have a friend who can bench twice as much as me, but I over power him easily. I could go on and on about this DVD, but no time I need to go do some one-handed dive-bomber pushups. If your hesitant about buying this DVD, hesitate no longer it will be the best decision you ever make.

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