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RKC Kettlebell - 22kg (48 lbs.)

RKC Kettlebell - 22kg (48 lbs.)

Item # P10X


Master the Kettlebell

Master the Kettlebell

Item # B78




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10/10 Tiger Schulmann's MMA
By Jason Hoffman / Middletown, NJ USA

Mike knows how to make you dig for your best. He is a great motivator and the work outs are always fun and challenging ! Getting results are easy and Mikes good nature and genuine love for what he does makes staying consistent a breeze ! His knowledge seems boundless and he is always ready to share it. I always look forward to spending time with him, knowing that when I'm done, I'm all the better for it !

10/10 Crossfit Montgomery/Predator Strength & Speed
By Mark Lehmkuhl / Montgomery, Alabama

I have never formally met Mike Stehle face to face; our association has been an on-line professional relationship. He has been the main influence in assisting me with the transformation and diversification of my business. Mike's advice and assistance has ranged from my affiliation with Crossfit to his help with burning questions in strength and conditioning. He is a professional and class act that is second to none in our field.

10/10 I don't give lots of praise often, but.......
By Len Civitano / Jersey Shore, NJ

I've been attending classes at The Training Room and New Jersey Crossfit for a few months now and have had the pleasure of working with Mike. I've tried many different modes of training and dealt with lots (and I mean lots) of instructors and personal trainers. I've met some good, some not so good, and a few that are fantastic. I can say with heart felt honesty that Mike (and the rest of the guys at NJ Crossfit) are absolutely the best I've come across. I look forward to sessions there and the energy he creates is fantastic. From fostering a comfortable ego-free environment where all feel welcome to keeping track of everyone's personal requirements (not sure how he manages that), he's made me feel like part of a community and not like a paying customer. In fact, I think you'd be hard pressed to find anybody in Mike's care that doesn't consider themselves part of "the family," to use their term. All the while, Mike has never once hesitated to hang around after class to answer my knuckle-headed questions or help with a problem-training related or otherwise. Strictly as a trainer, he's been very knowledgeable and eager to share that with others-oh yeah, and comes up with absolutely brutal work outs-my favorite part. He's been an indispensable motivational force for me and I'll continue to look forward to each and every session. Thank you Mike and New Jersey Crossfit for all you guys do.

10/10 Gave me the confidence and abilities to compete
By Irene hale / Spring Lake, New Jersey

The first thing you get from Mike is a huge smile and I'm glad your here from the heart attitude. Class starts moving and he's there to encourage and educate. He treats everyone in class on the same level. We work hard and we complain alot but there is no other facility that I would train in. The workouts are so tough at times but I come back to class every time with the will to work harder and to achieve more for myself. He gave me confidence to run 140 miles in the costa rican jungles and gave me the ability to compete with other athletes that had far more experience than I. Mike takes his training seriously and he loves what he does. Can't ask for more!!!

10/10 Mike is the man!
By Eric / Marlboro, NJ

He is truly a professional and I would hold any trainer I have in the future to the standard that he set. Mike knows everything about form and technique and when it came to new movements, he guided me through the learning curve every step of the way. What really set him apart from other trainers is that he showed me a new definition of personal training. I have a two fantastic gyms 2 minutes from my house but I drive 30 minutes just so I could train in the same facility as this guy. Since I started, I've completely quit smoking cold turkey and for the first time in four years I can see my abs again. I highly recommend personal sessions with Mike and the group classes he holds are like icing on the cake.

10/10 Best Excercise Results I've ever had
By Ryan / Spring Lake, NJ

Two years ago my life, like many peoples', had become quite busy with little time or energy for working out. I searched for an efficient, results-oriented, and fun routine and found it with Mike Stehle. Through Mike's KB regiment of 1/2 hour a day 3x a week, I put on 13 pounds of muscle in 3 months. Unbelievable! I felt great, was hardly sore, and had more energy than ever. My co-workers saw the more positive me, it showed that much. Those results have lasted, along with my excitement for kettlebells, for two years now. I'd like to thank Mike for always being supportive and patient while pushing me to a physical level that I did not know was possible. Thanks Mike.

10/10 Ready, Set, Snatch!
By Bubba / Shark River Hills, NJ

Mike gets the party going and keeps it going, whether it is at the 6:00AM wakeup class or outside the gym! I started training with Mike about 4 years ago. In that time I have lost over 100Lbs, gained considerable strength and improved my cardio to where Asthma is a thing of the past. Mike's dedication to his clients, keeping current with new techniques, and overall understanding of what it takes to keep people motivated and enjoying the workouts are just a few of his finer points. Not to mention the Buns of Stehle that he has put on Marybeth! The workouts are continually rotated and designed to meet their montra of "Maximum Results in Minimal Time".

10/10 Great Workout!
By Stacey / Shark River, NJ

I had not participated in an instructor led group workout in about 17 years. I was not really sure that I wanted to anything like that again. When I expressed my concerns with Mike he assured me that using the kettlebells was definately something I could do. Well, after the first workout and an epsom salt soak I knew this was a great workout! I could not wait to go back and do it again. Mike's confidence,knowledge of the discipline,professionalism as well as a super personality keep me going back.

10/10 Challenging and Fun
By Patty / Manasquan, NJ

At 7am Mike's always in an upbeat mood. His motivation and knowledge is endless. Just having a baby 7 months ago... Mike has helped me achieve more strength in the last 5 weeks than I could ever do on my own! He knows how to bring you to your edge..... without pushing you off the cliff! I have my own kettlebell on order and I have caught the fever! Mike is a great instructor.... always watching your form and keeping it fresh!
Thanks Mike!

10/10 Transformed Myself!
By Tom Gordan / NJ

I came to the Training Room with a body that was sculpted by canned beer and breakfast meat. After 3 months of working out with Russian Kettlebells under Mike's instruction I have transformed my body and my life. Thanks Mike!

10/10 bowflex or bust
By {not the real} Candyman / jackson. nj

Because mike answered the phone he aquired me as a student of form and function. I had trouble standing and walking a strait line. Micheal possess definitive knowledge of critical corrective measure required to regenerate an entities positive relationship with their environment. Some suggested that a good walk will do, while others entertained the notion of using a bowflex device as a catalist to achieve a fittness goal. Michael's approach is efficient and productive. I consider myself to be a lucky man.

By Maggie Moran / Belmar, New Jersey

I started training with Mike while 4 months pregnant. Two great things happened - 1) i kept a reasonable weight gain during the pregnancy and 2) i was quite fit which i believe caused a quick and fairly painless delivery and a remarkably strong baby. My daughter was born in 11 minutes as compared to my first pregnancy which was rough to say the least. I believe the reason it went so smoothly was because I worked out up until seven days before delivery. Now as I start coming back to work out Mike has the challenge that i not only want to lose the baby weight but more and return to the physical shape i was in when i was an active athlete. I think Mike is just the guy to do it - he takes time to understand your goals and then challenges you every time. I am part of a small group that gets out of bed at the crack of dawn 3 days a week to have Mike beat the heck out of us - but its worth it cause we can see results and Mike never allows us to be bored. So here we go Mike onto the next challenge. The only bad part is my husband wants to have more kids right away cause "the last birth was so painless and quick." I guess that part is Mike's fault :). Mike has me in the weightloss challenge to make sureI get back in the groove. Thanks Mike.

10/10 Trainer Mike
By Daniel Barrow / Freehold, NJ USA

When I arrived a Freehold High School I knew nothing of lifting besides football and just the 3 main exercises of bench, squat, and cleans. And over the years Trainer Mike has helped me with other workouts as well, including kettlebells. Kettle Bells changed my strength, condtioning, and endurance to the next level. I started off with just 20 lb. bells, then as I progressed (all in the same year) reached up to 70 lb's!!!! All in my freshman to sophomore transition in the summer. He has pointed many tips in my form and helped me with various types of workouts that I was not even aware of for kettle bell training. And as an offensive line man your hips are what give you the drive to push your opponent and protect you QB. All in all Mike has been an enormous help to me in kettle bell workouts and helped me achieve the next level in my football career with his excellent training, instructing, and demonstrations!!!!

10/10 Great Trainer, Greater Guy
By Joe Walker / Ringwood, NJ

Having seen Mike's workouts on the internet, I have to say I was a little nervous when I walked through the doors of CrossFit Jersey Shore. However, any trepidation disappeared soon after the workout started. Jersey Shore residents, do not pass up the opportunity to work with Mike! It is refreshing to see a trainer so committed to helping others achieve previously unthinkable levels of fitness. He's an outstanding example what being an RKC stands for. Plus, he's one hell of a nice guy. Thanks Mike.

10/10 Addicted to Crossfit
By Peg Oldakowski / Avon-by-the-sea ,NJ

What can I say about this person who I have come to know as admirable, patient and very very knowledgeable in his field! I can say that he has truly made a difference in my life, I have come to love the Crossfit workouts and Mike is a big reason why. He allows me to vent my frustrations over the torture he is putting me through,as he smiles and encourages more out of me. It is a torture that I have really become ADDICTED to! I can not even believe this myself given the fact that I really have always hated exercise. Thank You Mike you are a true professional!

10/10 HIIT Workshop
By Tom Dee / New Jersey

It was a great workout shop. I was just starting with kettlebells and the instructors Mike, Jim and company really did a great job. They assisted me with learning the basics and were willing to assist me with any additional questions that I had. I learned alot and continue to workout with kettlebells.

You guys are the best.


10/10 Mike is a great instructor
By Jamielee Smith / Belleville, NJ

Every summer I travel to the shore. I work in a school system in North Jersey, so I am one of the lucky to have summers off. However, being far from home gives me the disadvantage of also being far from the gyms I normally visit. It has been difficult for me to find a decent gym to attend at the shore. It is especially important for me to stay in shape throughout the year because I recently began competing as an amateur boxer. Once I found Mike and his team, I was relieved to have found such a great gym that could give me a high intensity workout every time I go. I'm even looking forward to next summer to continue to work out at his gym.

10/10 Genius
By Bruce Tomaszewski / Trenton NJ

NJ is the most populated state is the union. I drive 45 miles one way to train with Mike....after working a 12 hour night shift.
That should say it all.

10/10 Positive & Individualized
By Diva / Long Branch

I have been training with Mike at the Training Room for about 5 years and I am happy to say I have never done the same workout twice.
He has an extensive knowledge base, which gives him the ability to create a workout to the level & ability of the individual. His knowledge extends past the fitness room and includes suggesting vitamins and health drinks for optimal performance. He has created a positive environment, which welcomes people of all levels of fitness and age. This allows his clients to achieve new levels of fitness. I enjoy being constantly challenged and will continue to workout with Mike for many years to come.

10/10 Pain is temporary
By Rob Delaune / Tinton Falls

When I first met Mike, I knew that he was the right trainer for me. Mike is a very technical and knowledgeable kettelbell instructor, yet he shares this knowledge in a positive and rewarding manner without making the students feel inferior. I am glad I found Mike and the Training Room, where each training day equates to a true sense of accomplishment.

10/10 Granny's review
By Jean Byrnes / Lakewood, NJ

For many senior citizens, exercise is a four letter word. We grew up with a bi-weekly gym class and girl basketball players only going to half court line. However at this ripe age, I began to train with Mike a year ago. Twice a week, faithfully, he has taken me from total inactivity to remarkable strength and fitness, prompting me to boastfully drop the work "ketttlebells" in most conversations. Mike is extraordinarily patient and knowledgable. He can tell when I'm at the limit and then tells me to do two more. His encouragement keeps me going. Sensational trainer! Sensational son-in-law!

10/10 "Trainer Mike"
By Coach Miller / Freehold, NJ USA

"Trainer Mike" as he is known at the Boro is highly respected by his student athletes and his co-workers for his willingness to help anyone, anytime. Mike has been instrumental at school by implementing new training methods (kettlebell training) for both the athletes and the coaches.
Mike has done an excellent job at creating a culture of learning and anticipation when it comes to strength and conditioning. He is very diligent in his research, very well spoken and he is always ready to get after it. I highly recommend Mike's training methods for anyone interested in getting results.

10/10 Renewed Life
By Dan Coleman / Sea Girt

After many attempts to start working out(both on my own and with other trainers),I would always become physically injured and mentally discouraged. I wouldn't be able to continue. I had become a overweight couch potato who even had trouble getting into and off of the couch.
I started to work out with Mike and the results have been outstanding. Each session is well thought out and customized to my needs. All of his workouts are challenging but not overbearing. Mike has introduced many new exercises(particularly kettlebell) and patiently demonstrates proper technique and required reps.
Since I have begun working with Mike, I have lost weight, and am able to enjoy many activities I haven't been able to do for many years. I am much healthier and my strength and stamina have increased dramatically. I actually look forward to my training sessions.
Thanks Mike... Your expertise, patience and teaching ability are greatly appreciated.

10/10 Mike changed my life
By Ed Giannantonio / Ocean Grove, NJ

After a Aortic valve replacement in 2001, I started working out 3x a week with mike. He not only helped me regain strength in my chest after surgery, he worked me hard and change my entire body, and actually got me to enjoy working out.
Due to some personal issues it's been hard for me to work out, but I look forward to returning and getting back to "THE TRAINING ROOM" for more abuse. Mike...good luck, your the best!

10/10 Mike changed my life
By Ed Giannantonio / Ocean Grove NJ

After a Aortic valve replacement in 2001, I started working out 3x a week with mike. He not only helped me regain strength in my chest after surgery, he worked me hard and change my entire body, and actually got me to enjoy working out.
Due to some personal issues it's been hard for me to work out, but I look forward to returning and getting back to "THE TRAINING ROOM" for more abuse. Mike...good luck, your the best!

10/10 Starting Over
By Corinne / Belmar, NJ

I worked out for 4+ years at a different gym, loving the results. After time though, I was having pain that didnt take a rocket scientist to explain, was not needed. I took a few years off of weight training only to loose muscle tone. I decided to try jersey shore cross fit, and to my great surprise, loved it. Good hard workouts, intense (my goal is to get better), good pain, not crippling, and I already have results. I truly think this is the best workout I have had in my years of trying different outlets. Mike and Jim's workouts are tough, grueling, pushing you to the limit (all the while smiling...)I love how they incorporate your own body weight as part of the work out. I really like the kettle bell, I never feel "injured" but my ass is kicked as I leave. Thanks Mike, I look forward to being there a very long time.

10/10 Mike's The Man
By Pete Tonks / Brick, NJ

Mike's enthusiasm and passion keep bringing me back for those 6AM workouts. I've been training with Mike for nearly two years and kettlebells have become a way of life. Mike keeps it real and fun and gets me to work harder than I ever imagined. Thanks.

10/10 Trainer Mike takes you to the next level
By Matt Shepherd / Brick NJ

I have been training with mike for several years now. Mike pushes you to your limit and beyond it. His level of commitment to his clients is second to none. There is nothing better than a tabata workout that makes you puke! I am a head wrestling coach as well, I have sent my assistants to Kettlebell seminars with mike to help them take our wrestlers to the next level!

10/10 You The Man!!!
By Michael Mulroy / Madison, New Jersey

I hooked up with Mike for some personal training. I wanted some instruction on Kettlebell form, Mike was the best! He knows his Kettlebells! I wouldn't drive an hour to workout with him if he didn't. I left feeling more confident in my Kettlebell exercises. Thanks Mike,

10/10 Nothing Compares
By Mary Beth Stehle / Manasquan, NJ, USA

Where do I begin? I have been training with Mike for the last 10 years, and in all that time our training with kettlebells had been the most incredible training I have ever experienced. It has taken my fitness to an entirely different level. With Mike's desire to make sure EVERY exercise is done properly only goes to show the importance for every person to get everything you possibly can out of it. Mike had given me the desire to play soccer again after 8 years or retirement. I knew from his workouts that it would give me the strength to play with all those young kids (like 10 years younger)! Superior knowledge is an understatement for what he knows and it has always been a pleasure to train with him and, oh yeah, be married to him too! Go Mike!

10/10 Kettlebell Madness!!!!!
By Matt Shepherd / Brick, NJ

Mike pushes me to where I did not think I could go anymore! I was a division 1 wrestler, but got lazy and out of shape after I was done competing. I have been training with Russian kettlebells for 4 years now, and I have see a weight loss and I now have the desire and ability to consistently keep it off! I feel better every time that I work out...even those 7:30 am beach workouts on Saturday with mike and Jim!!!! I utilize kettlebell training with my high school wrestlers and have seen a dramatic increase in their strength and conditioning levels! The sky is the limit with these 2 guys pushing you! Nothing is better than getting evil with kettlebells!

Matt Shepherd
Head wrestling coach
Freehold Boro High School

10/10 Old folks can realize better fitness.
By RWKernan / Avon, NJ

As a 74 yr man, who never worked out, since college days, the physical instruction received from Mike has given a new meaning to exerercising! Imagine a senior, senior swinging kettle bells?
I've trained over six years with Mike. As a result, I'm still active, and even playing basketball (horse) with grand kids.
Mike is patient, understanding, and is totally committed to improve the physical fitness of each of his clients.

10/10 STILL FEELING IT.....and loving it!
By Wendy @ Electrofit / Bergen County, NJ

I attended a kettlebell seminar this past weekend with Mike Stehle. All I can say is 'OUCH'!!!!! (I'm still feeling the 'GOOD' pain)
Mike is an incredible teacher and certainly knows his stuff. I got so much out of the session that it absolutely motivated me into taking my clients to a NEW level of personal training.
I am definitely looking forward to attending more seminars with Mike. Not only is he knowledgable, but is a genuinely nice guy as well.

10/10 Technical Instruction.
By Coach "GP" Pearlberg ( USATF) / Worldwide Stingers Track & Road Racing Team.

Mike Stehle is the Instructor's instructor.
Blessed with the ability to convey complex technical information in a simplistic efficient manner. Mike is highly dedicated to his craft but just empathetic enough to maintain that fine balance with his athletes.
Mike is never satisfied with his knowledge, has an insatiable desire to enahance his skills and develop his repertoire as a professional strength and conditioning coach. Mike Stehle possesses the rare ability to move from training a novice athlete to aspiring Olympian without skipping a beat.
I highly recommend his skills, work ethic, ethics and passion and knowledge for his craft. In short, Mike Stehle walks the walk !

10/10 Mike's House of Madness
By Rich and Doreen / Jersey Shore, NJ

This 30 minute Kettlebell training has been the best fitness routine we have ever experienced. The routine is always different, always challenging, and always beneficial. I call it Mike's house of Madness because you never know what to expect. Just when you think you have worked all of your muscles, he finds more to totally exhaust. It has been great strengthening exercise for golf, tennis, biking and skiing. This has been more beneficial then 1 1/2 hours of personal training time; all in 30 minutes!!!!

10/10 Another Master
By Joanne O'Shea / Jersey Shore, NJ

Without both Mike and Jim our training would not be the same. Together they both create a unique environment for High Intensity Interval Training. Mike is a Master at his profession, easily accessible, and knowledgeable. The Training Room and Jersey Shore Cross Fit work because our trainers stay abreast of their field and truly put us to the test. They can throw down any beating they dish out - which is a nice challenge for us. I am truly fortunate and blessed because I have AWESOME trainers and I truly adore the people I train with.

10/10 Fitness at it's best
By Alane Mahoney / Spring Lake

Mike's classes have encouraged me to spend more time in endurance training with kettle bells, which greatly supports all of my aerobic activities. His expert techniques in explaining the workouts have given me the chance to greatly improve my performance. Since each class is different, I always feel challenged and Mike always offers options within the workout to ensure the best workout possible. The workouts in the Training Room have been exceptional with Mike as an instructor. He gives each individual the encouragement and positive approach necessary to stay focused and stay fit.

10/10 Great guy - great instructor
By Mac /

Mike is always there to ask questions about technique and to demonstrate proper form. He is always giving of his knowledge and time - which tells me that he and Mike are training people for the right reasons. He not only give you the proper instruction, he takes the time to explain why. Mike has given some tough workouts and I always leave with a smile on my face - excited to return and never feeling like I was cheated.

10/10 Mike is a Great Mentor
By John / OceanTownship HS

I first met Mike at an athletic training conference approximately 3 years ago and immediately knew that Mike was the real deal when it came to helping others. He is a very knowlegeable athletic trainer and even more so as a fitness specialist. He also makes himself available to me whether in the rehab part of the job or the fitness part. It has been over 3 years and he still continues to amaze me with his passion fro fitness and helping others. He also finds time to show me how to achieve the maximum fitness benefits when time is of the essence. I think he always goes above and beyond.

10/10 I Look Forward to My Next Email from Mike
By Pamela Polifron / Wayne, NJ

I spent this past summer in Avon, and decided to try CrossFit. Mike began training me with kettlebells, and it was the best thing I have done for myself in years. Prior to Mike, I was going to the same trainer for 8 years and during that time I've never had one workout that even compared to how I good I felt after my training session with Mike. After learning with kettlebells, I began taking classes at Crossfit. The classes are fun and challenging. After the summer, I moved back up to my home in North Jersey and asked Mike to be my online trainer so I could continue kettlebell training in my home. He hooked me up with what equipment to purchase, and emails me workouts each week. I have to report back him after each workout - this way I usually can't skip out on my workout. Each week I look forward to my next workout from Mike. I never thought I'd use an online trainer, but it's a lot easier as a working mom to schedule my own training session in the comfort of my own home, and of course, Mike's guidance and follow-up keeps me going!

10/10 Inspiration
By Rob / Farmingdale, NJ

Concerning exercise and training - motivation and inspiration are what keeps a true athlete committed. These also help provide focus, and make workouts fun. And Mike does all of the above. His own work ethic is inspiring, while his kinesthetic knowledge and attitude motivates you to reach any level of physical fitness YOU wish to attain. For me , I like the intensity the workouts allow me to acheive without the "meathead" aspect, that can so often ruin a training atmosphere. Instead, the atmosphere is supportive no matter what level of training you seek, while challenging you at whatever skill level you are on.
The kettlebell instruction from Mike is also excellent; taught in manageable increments, and focused on technique.
Since competing in athletics in college, I haven't experienced that same excitement and motivation from a workout until I trained with Mike. Highly rewarding...

10/10 Great teacher
By Dom Uguccioni, RKC / Colrain, Massachusetts

Mike was on of my groups assistant RKCs at the recent September, 2007 workshop. He is a great instructor and helped me improve my technique throughout the weekend. Mike was always able to answer questions that me or my group members had, and he is very good at spotting flaws in technique. I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to learn or train with kettlebells.

10/10 Fabulous trainer
By Joan Leather / Avon by the Sea

Mike is an incredible trainer. I believe that I am in the best shape of my life because of him. His continous encouragement and patience leads to a better understanding of the kettle bell work out. You strive to do your best with each and every work out. Thanks Mike.

10/10 Kettlebells are like Hot Sauce
By Dennis Buchanan / Belmar ,NJ

Kettlebells and Hot Sauce are simliar that they are both painful and enjoyable(alright maybe not that enjoyable) Mike is the master chef of the Kettlebell kitchen making each session different and wanting more. People ask me why are you hitting the golf ball so far,and having little or no trouble getting out of the rough, and the answer is " KETTLEBELLS " Thanks Mike

10/10 Time Well Spent!
By Stacey / Ocean, NJ

Being a mom of 2 and owing my own business can take up a lot of my "free" time. In my 30 min. private sessions with Mike, he gives me a unique and challenging workout that is never the same, never boring and always kicks my butt! He is very motivating and keeps me interested the entire time. 30 min. can sometimes feel like 3 hours especially in "jumping pull ups" but when I look at my watch and its all over, I feel great and not a moment has been wasted! Time is valuable and Mike really is "Time Well Spent!"

10/10 What's a kettlebell?
By Christine / Spring Lake, NJ

That was my first question when friends suggested I start training with them. I was a bit skeptical at first, but now love (and hate) kettlebells. Mike makes our sessions fun with varied workouts which never fail to exhaust us -- but we would not miss them! Mike is a great teacher - providing extra guidance (and encouragement) when needed. I am thrilled with the results!

10/10 Kettlebells Rule
By Tom Gordon / Manasquan, NJ USA

I met Mike at a party and told him that I enjoyed staying fit, but my workouts consisted only of running and biking. I told him that I was anxious to incorporate some form of strength training but I was not interested in traditional weight lifting. Mike introduced me to Kettlebells and it has changed my life. Working out with Kettlebells is exhilirating and highly effective. Mike is a fantastic instructor who gets the best out of each of his clients. His training facility is run with the upmost professionalism. I would recommend Mike to anyone that wants to get great results from a highly qualified professional trainer.

10/10 A Trainers Trainer
By Donald / Staten Island, New York, USA

In April I visited the CrossFit at Avon by the Sea. I was impressed at the activity and participation of the locals during the Open House. I observed the trainers and I was impressed with the demeanor and motivation that Mike had. Now grant it, I have been a trainer for 7 years and I believe to be a very good trainer so for me to pick a trainer to teach me he has to be very good. Well I wanted to learn Kettlebell and I asked Mike to train me. From the first meeting I enjoyed the information, enthusiasm and encouragement I received from Mike. He was patient, and let me tell you, to get my attention you have to be telling me something I want to know. I am very happy with the training and technique I have been receiving from Mike. I couldn't have made a better choice for learning. He is a true professional.
Thank you Michael.

10/10 Let's try something new!
By Paul / Manasquan, NJ

Seems like a good idea right? Except if it's Mike saying it, then I know for days to come some part of me that I was previously unaware of will be sore. Long dormant muscles that had last been used some time ago in my distant youth have taken a beating, I am left barely able to hold myself up, and Mike had me do this to myself in just 30 minutes. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining. The fact is that his easy going 'we can do this' approach, has got me in the best shape of my life. His friendly personality and staggering knowledge of fitness make him the ideal trainer.

10/10 Dedicated and Patient
By Felix Foggia / West Long Branch, NJ USA

Adapts well with you ability and age. I am 66 years old and a year ago I had a bad accident and badly damaged my left Elbow and gone through 6 months of rehab. I wanted to learn how to workout with the Kettlebells and thought this would not be possible. I stopped in one day at the Training Room and met Michael. He was very attentive to my wanting to try working with the Kettlebells. After a short 10 weeks 1 day a week for half an hour with Michael, I found that I could use the kettlebells and my left arm with the damaged Elbow had got stronger and more flexible. He is an excellent trainer is workouts are never the same. The Kettlebells are part of the workout; his ability to Cross Train makes the workout productive and wanting more.

By Alan Fainer / Bradley Beach, NJ

I started training with Mike well over 6 years ago.My attitude about fitness changed for the better because of the way he did his personal training with me.He never did the same work out twice and always took the training to levels I never seen or expected.I have trained with other trainers and Mike is the Jersey Shore's fitness leader when it comes to Kettlebells,and the whole idea of a complete program.What is good about training with Mike you never know what he has lined up for you.But you can be sure when you finish you will feel like your day is complete. He is dynamic and always finding new ways to kick your ass training.

10/10 Kettlebells the Foundation for Grueling Workouts!
By Siobhan Ryan / Belmar, New Jersey

It's hard to put into words the kind of trainer and person Mike Stehle is. He is an expert in physical training and whole body conditioning. Unlike many trainers, there is no ego to deal with. The guys at The Training Room push their clients to meet their potential, yet the atmosphere is relaxed, making training a most positive experience. No workout is the same, which keeps us all so motivated! The use of kettlebells in The Training room's philosophy is essential, and those of us who are initiated look forward to the grueling and strenuous Crossfit workouts. They're excrutiatingly invigorating. The harder the workout is, the happier we all are! The proof is in the Secret Service Snatch test. What other gym can boast more than five of its clients in the top ten? I am truly proud to say that the guys at The Training Room/New Jersey Crossfit have made me into one of their "Nasty Girls!"

10/10 Great Guy
By Jaffer Panezai / Morganville, NJ

Mike is truly a rare instructor because he can break down motions for the most clear understanding, also he motivates clients to push their hardest just by being himself. There is nothing artificial about this guy. He is by far one of the best kettlebell instructors and knows how to properly add kettlebell exercises for the most effective and safest workout.

By tony fernandez / jackson, nj

I recently finished 5 weeks of training with Mike. I hadn't done much excersizing in over 3 years. Mike's trianing was unbelivable
just enough to push me , but not to much that i'd get hurt.after the first week i felt a increase in energy,stamina and strength. it was great learning all the little tricks to throwing around kettlebells,
the kettlebelle matrix is one of my favorite wods. through mike's workout you realize what is true fitness. thanks mike

10/10 The Real Deal
By Laura Etienne / Avon-by-the-Sea, NJ USA

I started personal training with Michael Stehle two years ago and he was quickly able to get me in beginner's condition to start using kettlebells. Those looked scary at first but Mike knew I was ready. For every kettlebell exercise Mike first demonstrated technique and made sure I knew what to do. The rest was EASY, although the workouts are TOUGH!
Mike's instruction and motivation are top notch. The workouts are always
well planned and executed. Kettlebells have actually become IMPORTANT to my lifestyle because the results of training with them under Mike's guidance are evident. This kind of training is just what my midlife needed and no better trainer than Mike Stehle, the real deal.

10/10 Committment and expertise compares to no other...
By Moe McCartney / Neptune City, NJ

Mike is the type of trainer who can make you work harder then you ever thought you could. I've had the pleasure of training with Mike for almost 10 years. His love and committment to training is endless and contagious. He always makes you want to achieve the next level. Just when you think you have nothing left to give, Mike finds away to make you work harder and keep going. His motivation and expertise compares to no other. Mike and the New Jersey Crossfit guys are truly the best around!

10/10 terrific and patient instructor
By Meg Weber / Avon, NJ

As an instructor, Mike demonstrates patience and professionalism. While instructing how to use kettlebells, he stresses form and explains how the movement is benefiting every part of your body. Not only do you learn how to use the kettlebells properly, you understand what it's doing for you. Mike is a terrific instructor and practices what he preaches.

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