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PCC Instructors


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Why Choosing a Dragon Door-Certified Progressive Calisthenics Certified (PCC) Instructor Can Save You Frustration, Money and Time—While Ensuring You Achieve Your Goals for Weight Loss, Strength, Conditioning and Athletic Performance…

Choose a poorly-trained instructor—and you risk not only the chance of severe injury, but risk failing to achieve the results you are looking for. Dragon Door insists on the highest standards for our certified instructors. Only an average of 70% of our candidates pass Dragon Door’s highly challenging certification standards and all instructors are required to recertify every three years.

Don't risk injury or waste time with subpar instruction when you can take advantage of Dragon Door's growing, worldwide network of highly qualified Progressive Calisthenics certified instructors.

Our PCC instructors have undergone the world's most rigorous of instructor certification courses and are fully qualified to help you meet and surpass your goals, be they fat loss, strength and power development—or athletic success.

When you choose from Dragon Door-certified PCC instructors, you can be confident you will be in the hands of a highly competent professional who will do their utmost to see you succeed in your personal fitness goals.

When you want results—using bodyweight exercise—it always pays to invest in the best!

Find a PCC Instructor

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Kristy Wise

Rome, GA
United States 30165

10 out of 10 (41 reviews)
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Westminster, CO
United States 80031

0 out of 10 (0 reviews)
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New York , NY
United States 10017

0 out of 10 (0 reviews)
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