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Power to the People!

Power to the People!

Item # B10




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10/10 Talented Instructor
By Brian Thompson RKC / Des Moines, Iowa

Geoff was my team leader at my RKC certification class in April of this year. This guy knows his stuff!!! His teaching style is so easy to learn the things you will need to skyrocket your training. If you live anywhere near Geoff you need to contact him and get ready for some real results.

10/10 Great Knowledge, Awesome Instructor
By Betsy Collie RKC Team Leader / Durham, NC USA

I have been in fitness and dance for more than 20 years. I had heard of kettlebells but had never tried them. I learned of Geoff through a friend. After my first training session with him, I was hooked! I have NEVER experienced such a great all over body workout. Geoff's knowledge of how the body works in conjunction with his expertise of kettlebells is bar none! He is inspiring to work with and his teaching manner is outstanding! He reads people well and teaches accordingly to the client's physical state as well as the client's own level of fitness and knowledge. He is easily approachable with questions and he has the answers! Training with Geoff has become the highlight of my day! I am sold on Kettlebells and if there is an RKC instructor/team leader like Geoff Neupert in your area I highly recommend you set up a training session with him/her. You will be pleased with the results! KBs have proven in just a few short weeks to be my most effective training tool yet! Real time, real results!Thank you Geoff!

10/10 Tactical Kettlebells
By Todd Dotson / Arlington, USA

Geoff was great to work with, taking what could be a very complex regiment and breaking it down into understandable and useable exercises! Geoff sized me up quickly, had me in the middle of lifts that I could do, and helped me work through any limitations. His understanding of Functional Movement was a big plus as I suffered from some previous sports injuries and a lack of flexibility. I flew out to work with Geoff in North Carolina and I can assure you it was worth every penny! If you are looking for Top Notch Instruction from a True Pro and Great Guy - Geoff is your man!
Todd Dotson

10/10 10+ Instructor, Trainer, Teacher, Mentor
By Kate Lavanga, RKC / Alexandria, VA

I had the good fortune to be assigned to Geoff Neupert's team at RKC in June 2009. Since then, I've had the opportunity to host a workshop with him, getting to see him teach a second time, and to become a personal training client. From the start, Geoff has been tough, supportive, and gracious with his time in answering questions and ensuring that I understand exactly how to execute the program he's designed specifically with my goals in mind. Not only that, but his programs really pack a punch and get real results. I saw many inches drop off in the first month of work. He helped me to back off when needed and address some movement issues and now that I'm ready to get going again, I've again packed on muscle and lost fat in the first month of a new program and can feel my strength increasing. Geoff is a stellar teacher and has acted as a great mentor to me. If you have the opportunity to learn from Geoff, JUMP ON IT!

10/10 Masterful
By Andrew Read, RKCII, CK FMS / Melbourne, Australia

I have been a trainer for almost 20 years now, and have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. There are very few people, in any field, that can claim mastery of their craft.

Geoff is one of a rare breed of people who not only can do it, but can explain it, and explain it without sounding like a pompous ass.

I was lucky enough to be on his team at RKCII in St. Paul July 2010. He ran some of the group training as well as leading our Team through revision of all Level 1 and 2 skills prior to testing. His advice and help, as well as answering all our questions, was always spot on, efficient and helpful.

There is a reason why Pavel has so few Master trainers of the RKC system - because the standard is so very high. Geoff meets that standard with his exceptional knowledge and dedication to his craft and also with his demanour and bearing. I look forward to the opportunity to work with him again at some point in the future.

10/10 Seek out this Master RKC right now!!
By Alisa A. Brzek, RKC / Las Vegas, NV

I drove 3 hours one way to take a lesson from Geoff and it was worth every minute of the drive. I needed serious help with some RKC level II techniques in prep for my upcoming level II cert. There was a certain move I just couldn't get and after 20 minutes with Geoff I had it down. As a master RKC I expected alot from him and he fully delivered. If you are seeking a person who will motivate you, develop you and keep safety first then don't put it off any longer! Call him!!

10/10 Great
By John Moynagh / Minneapolis, MN

Thanks, great session!

- John Moynagh

10/10 Awesome Instructor!
By Neghar Fonooni, RKC / Ellicott City, MD

I recently had the pleasure of attending an RKC only workshop on double bells, taught by Geoff. He was incredibly knowledgeable and detailed in his instruction. My boyfriend had Geoff as his team leader at the RKC and raved about what a great coach he was, and he wasn't kidding! Geoff has years of experience in the strength and conditioning field that he conveys in such an easy going manner, thanks to his humor and humility. His knowledge and patience is clearly evident in all aspects of his coaching. I would recommend his instruction to anyone. Thanks again, Geoff, for an awesome experience!

10/10 Geoff Neupert - Extraordinary Instructor
By Jim Skislak / Washington DC

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank Geoff Neupert for coaching me in what was a truly remarkable training session last week. I drove down from DC to meet with Geoff at his gym in Durham for a post-RKC II pre-Hardstyle Ventura tune-up which lasted two hours. We revisited most of the RKC core lifts with an emphasis on the Military Press, VPP, TGU and the Bent Press, the latter of which has always presented the most difficulty for me. Geoff paid minute attention to the details of technique and tension as applied to all the lifts we reviewed. By the end of the session, I felt as if I had never performed these movements better. By breaking down each stage of the TGU, his insight allowed me to create the space within my body to achieve a level of movement in the Bent Press that I had never experienced. His acumen allowed me to finally fully appreciate and experience how the "same, but different" principle applies to and integrates all the RKC movements.
I would very strongly encourage anyone who is interested in further honing their RKC I/II skills to arrange a training session with Geoff Neupert. No matter what your current level of expertise, you will undoubtedly be challenged and leave with an immensely increased kettlebell facility. Geoff is a true professional and an embodiment of the principles of the RKC system. I felt extremely fortunate to be able to train with him. Thanks again Geoff.

10/10 Uncompromising quest for Excellence!
By Monte Young / Galveston, Texas

Geoff was our Team Leader at the first-ever HKC workshop in St. Paul. Having spent the summer listening to his outstanding Kettlebell Secrets interview series it seemed like I already knew him somewhat, so was very pleased to be assigned to his team. Geoff is a straight-shooter, and doesn't hesitate to critique you for improvement to achieve the high standards, yet you can sense his underlying humility and desire for your success. His deep knowledge, and "life experience" in the trenches made a great workshop even better. Look him up if you are close by!

10/10 A True Professional
By Matt Brocklebank RKC / Kobe, Japan

If you decide to take the plunge and attend an RKC certification, count yourself lucky if Geoff's your Team Leader. Constantly professional in his approach to teaching, Geoff balances the authority necessary to push you through the course with a strong sense of fellowship, letting you know that he's there to offer help and advice whenever you need it.

Geoff, thanks for everything. You're an inspiration.

10/10 10+ instructor!
By Eileen Doherty / Durham, NC

Because of Geoff I'm the strongest I've ever been! With his instruction and guidance, I can now do pistols & chin-ups, and I can press and snatch the 24kg bell. Geoff has an amazing way of reading "me" during every workout and can adjust my training plan as needed. Often times, when I'm feeling tired or maybe had a bad day, he's somehow able to get a PR out of me -- which is amazing! I've trained with Geoff for 5+ years now (even through 1 pregnancy) and I've never been injured under his watch. Geoff is an exemplary trainer & is a great representative for the RKC system. On top of all that, he is also one of the most honorable people I know.

10/10 Wisdom: Focus on the Movement, Not Lifting the Kettlebell
By Bobby Spencer / Martinsville, VA USA

In furthering my preparation for the April RKC, I made the trip to Durham, NC to train with Geoff for a 2 hour session. Before today, I was what I believed to be proficient in the six basic lifts of the swing, turkish get-up, clean, press, front squat, and snatch. I had thought that after 8 years of kettlebell training and putting up some heavy bells that my form and movements were "rock-sold". I now admit that I was pleasantly humbled by this master teacher. Geoff's coaching cues and corrections completely changed how these exercises felt and he communicated this in such an efficient manner. We must have spent close to an hour on the swing itself and now I see why it is called the "foundational move". I could go on and on about the useful, corrective advice and wisdom Geoff gave me. For instance, concerning the swing he states that, "the movement, done correctly, will lift the KB--focus on the movement, not lifting the kettlebell." Simply put: If you aspire to further your KB training or attend an RKC, you should seek out this instructor. HE IS A GREAT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RKC SYSTEM AND HARDSTYLE. His teaching style, wealth of knowledge, and obvious strength of character serve as confirmation as to why I choose to attend the RKC and become an instructor.

10/10 A True Comrade!
By Stephen Nepa / West Palm Beach, FL

Geoff has a keen eye and an amazing understanding of how the body moves and how its parts function together. His technical assessments and training regimes enabled me and my training partners to achieve phenomenal technical and strength gains while improving mobility and significantly reducing injury, aches, and pains. Geoff provided feedback that allowed us to improve technique and performance in short amounts of time. I will always trust Geoff and continue to look to him for encouragement, advice, and direction.

10/10 Excellent Instructor
By James Chantler / Durham, NC

I found Geoff through the Dragondoor website when I learned there was a "clean and press the beast for reps" event in an upcoming strongman contest. With his help, after just a few weeks, I was able to improve from a pitiful 2-3 reps to a respectable 15 reps and a few weeks later, 20 reps. Geoff was able to watch my lifting for a few minutes and make minor changes which led to instant improvements. He showed me how to use kettle bells to improve speed and coordination and Z-health techniques for joint mobility. Geoff had a knack for finding the weak link in the chain very quickly and correcting the problem with excellent results. Everything mentioned here happened in 5-6 sessions. If you want an all round approach to fitness with rapid results including strength, speed, mobility and conditioning then give Geoff a call!

10/10 Safety Always Comes First
By Walt Beckwith / Durham, NC

I have had the pleasure of training with Geoff Neupert for several months now. It is easy to see why Geoff has moved up through the ranks of RKC instructors to Senior RKC Instructor. Demonstrating all of the right stuff, Geoff combines his many years of experience as a personal trainer, olympic lifter and a genuine interest in seeing his clients improve. His training manner is reserved, constantly reinforcing and good-natured with a hint of Pavel thrown in for good measure.

Starting with a safety comes first attitude, Geoff describes the lift, demonstrates proper technique and reinforces the learning process sometimes using visual descriptions or other methods that are tailored to each clients abilities. Every session with Geoff has been a breakthrough. Training days are the highpoint of my week. If you are serious about learning Kettlebell drills, give Geoff a call.

10/10 Gifted Instructor
By Mike Juve / Decorah, IA

I had the opportunity to have Geoff has an Assitant Team Leader at the October 2007 RKC. Geoff has an amazing gift of breaking your technique down and correcting it immediately. Geoff has a true passion for what he does and is a true professional. Probably the biggest thing that stood out to me about Geoff is that he is very personable and has a humble servant attitude.
Thanks for everything Geoff!

10/10 Outstanding Instructor
By Sara Juve, RKC / Decorah, IA USA

Geoff was one of my instructors at my RKC. He is very professional, as well as approachable. His extensive knowledge and experience has provided him with an amazing ability to breakdown technique and give you the tools to improve immediately. He personalizes his instruction and provides information to take your training to the next level. He definitely was instrumental in my RKC weekend!
If you have the opportunity to work with Geoff...don't miss it!

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