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10/10 BEST DVD on the SWING I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Franz Snideman Senior RKC / San Diego, CA, USA

If the SWING is the center of the training universe, than Mark and Tracy’s new DVD is the GUIDE BOOK on how to navigate your training through this universe. I have literally watched this DVD 5 out of the last 6 nights with pen and paper in hand. This DVD walks the kettlebell newbie and the seasoned kettlebell veteran to SWING MASTERY.
The drills, stretches and movements taught in this DVD are the best I have seen anywhere in the industry. Mark and Tracy, with their many decades of combined experience, will have you swinging your kettlebell with more POWER, GRACE, and INTENTION. The RESULTS will be: an increase in FAT LOSS, better stamina, STRENGH, POWER, MOBILITY, ATHLETICISM, body awareness and overall movement skills.
To say I am impressed with this DVD is an understatement. I have had the opportunity to learn directly from Mark and Tracy as well as the honor of teaching alongside them and I can say it total sincerity that this is like having them teach you a private HKC or RKC in your living room. This DVD is a serious GAME CHANGER!! As Mark and Tracy teach, if you were to focus on only one movement to deliver total body power, strength and WORK CAPACITY, look no further than the KETTLEBELL SWING. Get this DVD and master the SWING and take your physique and body function to the highest possible level.

10/10 The Perfect Instructional DVD
By Nick Kiussis / Cleveland, OH, United States

I was happy to receive the Mastering The Hardstyle Kettlebell swing. I quickly saw that it was filled with helpful and thorough in depth details to truly understand the exercise, in terms of both biomechanics and application. I have two wrestling sons in the house and wanted them to take advantage of this instruction to give them the nuts and bolts of how to break into and then master working with kettlebells. I already own Convict Conditioning and knew that Dragon Door was the place that I could turn to self educate myself in order to further my sons....and myself. Thank you for these fine products and I am sure to delve further into the strength treasure trove that is Dragon Door.

10/10 A MUST for beginners ... and intermediates alike!
By Albert Trudeau / Paris, TX, USA

I've been seriously training with kettlebells for about a year now, and I'm very convinced that if kettlebells aren't the main workout/sport/exercise... they should at least be included as the "core" of your sports and conditioning program. I'm 54 years old and I've been training most of my life as a 'powerlifter'. I had to substitute kettlebells for my weights due to time and space limitations. I sought out a personal (kettlebell) trainer (Farrah Lin) and I was very impressed with how strong she was in relation to her bodyshape; she definitely kept her 'feminine' look. Anyways, after about a month, I became "hooked"; kettlebells are very intense! I can honestly attribute them for cleaning up my weak posterior chain. I've worked up to 48kgs in the (two-handed) swings, cleans, and the TGU's have really helped with my lower back problems. I got this DVD recently, to re-check my form in these exercises. This DVD really delved into the deeper aspects of these exercises. I've played this DVD at least ten times on my computer already! Kettlebells should be the core fitness routine for ALL women (and most men too!).

10/10 Essential DVD
By David Whitley, Master RKC / Nashville, TN, USA

I have had the honor of seeing Master RKC Mark Reifkind teach many times and every time he inspires me to be a better instructor. His story of restoring physical function through smart training and consistency is always inspiring. His wife Tracy also shares of the greatest success stories to come out of their training facility by losing over 120lbs and completely transforming herself. A cornerstone element of both their stories is the Hardstyle Kettelbell swing.

The DVD Mastering the Hardstyle Kettlebell Swing is the closest thing you can get to being in the room with Mark and Tracy going over the progressions from beginning to end. It is as close to putting the swing segment from the HKC workshop in a box as you will ever see. This DVD is essential for anyone who wants to maximize their ability.

10/10 Master the movement with the Master trainer!
By Andrew Read / RKC Team Leader, Australia

I've seen kettlebell training from all levels - from beginner workshops to the HKC to the RKC and beyond. What the Reifkinds have done here is give you the single best tool to start your kettlebell education with.

With every single step needed to go from "never touched a kettlebell before" to wanting to attend an instructor certification like the HKC Mastering the Kettlebell Swing is the perfect product.

Because the swing is so central to both the RKC system as well as the practice of all ballistic kettlebell lifts the skills, tips and drills in this DVD will fast track your progress to more advanced skills. I believe it is so good that you could actually press play on the DVD and walk out of the room during an HKC and let the Rif's teach the swing for you!

Rif has championed the swing long before the kettlebell's surge in popularity and it is fitting that the team that used the swing to rehabilitate a broken body and shed 100lbs are now teaching others how to get the same benefits they did. With real-world proven results from this simple exercise the Reifkinds will share with you how you too can master this elegant yet powerful movement.

10/10 A Great Blend of Information, Passion and Personal
By Bill Hysell, CSCS / Frankfort, NY, USA

This is by far the best exercise DVD I have ever used. The first DVD walks you through the component skills and explains the progressions that go into the swing. The second DVD has two excellent workouts that reinforce the fundamentals and challenge you in a real world functional series of exercises. The Reifkinds are both knowledgeable and convey this knowledge in a very professional, yet fun, manner. I have been working out for over 40 years and this is an excellent example of what fitness and practice should be. I use it personally and share it with my friends and clients. I cannot recommend it highly enough!

10/10 This DVD has my highest recommendation!
By Lauren Brooks, RKC Team Leader / San Diego, CA, US

The Kettlebell Swing, being the most important kettlebell exercise to master, is one that you need to spend lots of time practicing. Most people don't understand how important and key this exercise is. Over the years the HardStyle swing has evolved to a better more efficient exercise than it already is. Tracy and Mark do an excellent job breaking down this foundation exercise for anyone from the beginner to the seasoned kettlebell enthusiast. This comprehensive DVD will not only perfect your kettlebell swing, but will show you how to use kettlebell swings the "Tracy Reifkind" style in a workout. This DVD has my highest recommendation!

10/10 Time and Money Well-Invested
By Tom Rooney / Dayton, USA

I am 40 years old and started with kettlebells two years ago out of desperation. I had chronic low back pain and sciatica, and heard about them from a 64 year old kinesiologist who had fixed his own back problems with just the swing. Fast forward two years, and I am doing about 2000 swings per month and my back has improved about 80%.

I purchased this DVD because I want my swing to be the best it can be. The DVD is replete with stretches to improve range of motion, and drills, and workouts designed to entrain good form into your motor memory so that your technique improves. An example: doing planks immediately prior to two-handed swings makes it much easier to correctly lock out at the top of the swing than just grabbing a bell and starting to swing "cold." Think about it--at the top of the swing you are bracing your abs and firing your glutes and lats. The lockout is a plank. The DVD is filled with little tricks like this.

The second DVD has two workouts (or more correctly, one practice session with close to 200 swings and several other movements, and one training session with about 500 swings). I don't do the training workout--I can't do 500 swings in one session at this point. I do routinely revisit the practice session about once per week and use that as an alternative to my kettlebell training for that day.

This is a beginner's DVD, and I define a beginner as someone with fewer than 50,000 swings under their belt. It is a good introduction to hardstyle as well. I would recommend this DVD to anyone who is new to kettlebells or who has been training on their own (i.e. not with an RKC/HKC instructor) for 5 years or less.

10/10 Excellent, Necessary and Highly Recommended:
By Phil Ross, RKC Team Leader / Philadelphia, PA, USA

Mark and Tracy Reifkind have brought a Swing Seminar to your home or gym. All aspects of preparation, adaptations and variations of the Kettlebell Swing are addressed in detail. Verbal and visual cues, how to correctly perform the various swing types and avoid mistakes are all covered in this excellent presentation. You feel as if the Reifkinds are in the room with you.
This video is not only for the beginner. The detail and complete explanation of proper swing execution is even more beneficial to the seasoned girevik.
Congratulations on this well thought out, explicitly presented video tutorial on the cornerstone movement of Kettlebells - The Swing. I will recommend this video to my clients and colleagues alike

10/10 Must Have!
By Maribel Medina / San Jose, CA, USA

I almost feel inadequate giving a review after all the ones written from RKC instructors. I'm not a personal trainer just a woman working on getting fit. That said, this DVD is a MUST for a novice as well as a seasoned trainer. The amount of information is invaluable. It's technical without going over the heads of most people learning to swing. From the stretches to the drills, it covers every aspect of the swing. I've been training with kettlebells for about 10 months and I know you have to always keep conscious of your form. This DVD will remind you of all the steps. I learned so much from this DVD about body composition, major muscles, their function and how to use them. How to correct most common mistakes and even how to identify these common mistakes because knowing you did it wrong is the first step. Not everyone has the ability to work 1-1 with an certified RKC instructor, so this is the next best thing. From a "civilian" point of view, this DVD is highly recommended.

10/10 Great
By Thomas R / Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States

The video was very informative and detailed. It really made it easy to follow and understand. Also it gives you the confidence to know you are doing the swing correctly.

10/10 Great for any Level
By Russell Watson / Tallahassee, FL, USA

This is a great video for any level of kettlebell training! Mark and Tracy take you through all the moves in step-by-step fashion, taking time to explain the "why" of each as they go. The approach to the instruction, with the explanations of the differences between "practice" and "training" is very clear and easy to understand. I have been working out with kettlebells for just under a year after years of doing other types of weight training and have gotten the best workouts of my life with them. However, I have some old shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries that some of the more advanced moves like the snatch (an exercise I love) tend to aggravate. I had heard of people who swear that they had attained their fitness and weight loss goals utilizing only the swing so I thought I would try it out, since I knew from experience that I could perform that move without tweaking anything. Put simply: it works! It's a great approach to the fundamentals of this awesome exercise with everything you need to know about proper stretching, form, breathing, etc. The two included workouts (one for two-hand swings and one for one-hand swings) are great, and have become the primary basis of my workouts. I have been pleased with all the Dragon Door products I have purchased so far and recommend them to everyone I know who has seen my progress and wants to know what I'm doing, but if this was a "stranded on a desert island and could only have one" scenario THIS is the one I would pick. This workout and proper nutrition should put anyone who isn't totally decrepit on the path to a leaner, harder version of themselves with minimal danger of injury if they practice the correct methods, and it's hard to imagine anything being simpler and still providing the same results. It is deceptively simple but the workouts will leave you with an accelerated heart rate and nice sheen of sweat, and the next day as you about your normal routines and feel muscles you didn't even know you had you will know that are onto something great. Highly recommended!

10/10 Digging deep into the goldmine of HardStyle
By Andrea Du Cane, Master RKC / St. Paul, MN, US

Rif and Tracy have dug deep into the RKC HardStyle swing. Their DVD is extremely detailed and aimed at people who like a lot of information all at once. It is a kind of a one-stop-shopping experience. You’ll find everything you need to know to perform a good and safe hard style swing is in this DVD.

Their step-by-step and very detailed explanation of all the prep drills, such as the neutral spine and hip hinge starts off the DVD with a good long look at the basics.
If you can’t find and keep a neutral spine you’re not ready to move on, period.

They cover each and every new skill with the same single-minded focus: this is how it’s done right and they don’t stop there they explain the “why”. Of course, not everyone really cares why engaging the lat is important during the swing. But knowing why will not only deepen your knowledge, but I believe will help people remember the proper form the next time they go to pick up a Kettlebell.

This is like getting an HKC and RKC manual that only covers one drill.
The DVD starts off with prep drills and this includes some stretching. Then it moves on building up the patterning of the swing using variations of the deadlift. Finally, they start swinging the Kettlebell with two hands. It’s not till much later they introduce one- arm swinging, but then that’s how it should be. Master the 2-hand swing before moving on to the 1-arm and alternating swing.

There is a second DVD that contains 2 workouts. The first workout is much more basic and there is still a lot of instructing, but it will give beginners a sense as to how to start training their swing. The second workout is more continuous and uses more 1-arm swinging and alternating swings. In general the 2nd workout is more advanced, but not too hard that someone fairly new will have trouble with completing it. Both workouts are great examples of how simple it is to incorporate Kettlebell swings into your fitness regime.

10/10 A phenomenal resource for the swing-obsessed!
By Mike Sturman / Redcar, United Kingdom

I first stumbled upon kettlebells towards the end of a major weight loss two years ago. From the outset I found the kettlebell swing fascinating - how could one exercise deliver so many benefits and how do you do it perfectly? This DVD is the ultimate resource for anyone fascinated with the swing, anyone that has tried the swing but feels they are just not getting it right or anyone that doesn't have an RKC nearby (I'm all of the above). Amongst many, many great things about this DVD, I would like to mention the fact that the instructors encourage you to perfect the drills first and that they can be an effective workout in themselves - great advice for anyone who has rushed into the swing and as a result not got it right (such as myself.) The level of detail of instruction in this DVD leaves no space for the trainee to make wrong assumptions, no gaps for the trainee to fill with bad form. This really is the ultimate resource to master the swing.

10/10 Beginners BEST !!
By Wendy F. / Helena, USA

I noticed that most reviews are by RKC trainers. I am not. I trained with a kettlebell a few years ago - wow - I surely did not know what I was doing and quickly lost interest. This video is super important for beginners to actually train correctly. Something as simple as "hinging" versus "squatting" when done correctly actually makes it easier. The most helpful for me was to drop my shoulders and engage my traps - now I have them. Tracy makes it look effortless, and the video is so precise that when done correctly is actually difficult and kicks your butt !! Best DVD I have ever bought and has prepped me for a sandy trip. I am so hooked that it has inspired me to become RKC certified upon my return. THANKS !!

9/10 The best info on the Swing
By Don Malec / Peninsula, WA, USA

A great instructional video because it explains the how and why of the kettlebell swing. I thought I knew the correct technique of the swing but I learned how to swing even better. The instruction and video quality is excellent. The white background is fantastic and allows you to focus on Mark and Tracy and not be sidetracked by oceans and dogs like in other videos.

The advanced workout is a phenomenal combination of resistance and cardio. The best of both worlds. I've used it with my clients and they loved it also.

10/10 Form is King
By Robert Kane, DC / Redwood City, CA, USA

When performing any exercise, form is critical to achieving maximal results. The basic kettlebell swing looks deceivingly simple from the outside but the subtleties and nuances are many and worth mastering.

Mark and Tracy break down each component of the swing completely giving drills to build a solid foundation for hard-style swinging. Each drill builds upon the last brilliantly leading you to an explosively powerful, sold swing.

Don't just grab a bell and swing it around. Own the swing. Master the swing. Mark and Tracy can lead you there.

10/10 Best dvd on the swing
By Edwin Aponte / New York, NY, USA

this is the best dvd on the mechanics of the swing i have. its explained and broken down in a way thats different from all other dvds i purchased on the kettlebell swing

10/10 Best Swing Mechanics Explanation
By Jed Cope / Claremont, You Ess Aaah

This is a no frills, basics of the swing. If you really want to understand why the kettlebell swing is so beneficial, this is the dvd to watch. Experienced and well-informed instructors. Cool tattoo, Tracy.

10/10 A Must Have for HKCs and RKCs!
By Brian Friedman HKC, FMS, CYI / Winter Garden, FL, USA

The title says it all. Mark and Tracy give you everything you need to master the hardstyle swing. As an HKC, I refer to this DVD regularly to hone my swing technique as well as my client's. The greatest gift is found in the trade secrets that Mark and Tracy share with their clients and as training tools for future RKCs. Are your hamstrings tight? They'll teach you a stretch for that. Are your hips tight? They've got that covered, too. Is your hardstyle lock technique flawless? They provide drills to make it so. It's simple: if you don't have these DVDs, you are missing out.

7/10 Everything you need to know about swings
By Jim Davison / Saginaw, MI, USA

This video is serious and in depth. Mark is clearly an expert and he explains everything you need to know. Be warned, Mark is not as good of a speaker on camera as Dan John or Pavel. I just wish that Mark let Tracy do all the talking since she does a much better job of explaining things more directly and to the point. I recommend this video for anyone who is already serious about improving their kettlebell swings. I do not recommend it to get someone new to kettlebells excited about learning swings. Tracy's advanced swing video is actually better for that since she is a more dynamic speaker than Mark.

9/10 Great Asset to your Kettlebell Library
By Jarrett Shepherd / Northport, AL, USA

Rif and Tracy do a fantastic breakdown of the swing from start to finish. This is a must have if you want to continue to improve your knowledge of the kettlebell swing.

9/10 WOW!
By Ron OConnell / Deposit, NY, USA

Wow! I just started using kettlebells and this DVD really helped. Great detail and very understandable. I've been swinging with no low back pain because of the detailed instruction in this video. Thanks Mark and Tracy, and Dragon Door.

10/10 Perfect Practice
By CJ Jones / Houston, TX, USA

I have been concerned about how I was going to get back into kettlebell work outs after spinal fusion surgery and release from my surgeon. But then I read about Mark & Tracy Reifkind's DVD. While I have great DVDs by Du Cane, Brooks and Lurie I wanted something that totally explained the perfect swing to eliminate any issues with my healing back. The DVD is perfect for anyone that does not have access to a RKC trainer and wants to know the details of executing the swing safely. Mark gives the scientific details and Tracy breaks down the movement in approachable practices. I have been using the workouts and practices for three weeks and I am extremely pleased. This DVD is exactly what I needed to get me back into the swing!

3/10 Very, Very Lengthy
By Edward Shattuck / Syracuse,NY, USA

I think that this dvd could have been condensed into about 30 minutes. I would much rather have Pavel's dvds as an instructional medium as they are considerably shorter and to the point.

10/10 Outstanding DVD for beginners
By Bob Grud / Athens, GA, usa

I am a 75 year old who is new to using the kettlebell. I have had chronic low back problems for many years and thought I would give it a try . I have only been using the DVD for about a month,, but I am already noticing a lessening of my problems. The DVD gives detailed and safe ins ructions and I would recommend to others in my age group.

3/10 Amateur attempt
By Wendy Y / Portage, USA

I was hoping for a hefty workout and I couldn't stomach the first 10 minutes of being led through each move and watching the others follow.

The woman was stumbling over her words and it was painful to watch.

Paying over $40 for 2 hours of workouts... they had better be professional quality. And this definitely was not.




10/10 Best KB swing instructional DVD.
By Jim Klotz / Ocala, USA

I had difficulty mastering the swing. Bought DVD. Tracy and Mark break the swing into many steps and each step is thoroughly explained and demonstrated. I felt like
Tracy and Mark were in my living room in person teaching me. To me that 10 rating should be a 20. They and their DVD are a must for beginner and most seasoned kettlebell veteran.

10/10 Amazing
By Eric Moss / Hopatcong, NJ, USA

I bought this dvd to review and perfect my teaching progressions for the swing, probably the most commonly incorrectly performed kettlebell exercise ever. Watching how Tracy put together her workouts made up of "a ha" drills is actually causing me to change how I conduct classes in the first month of training. Rarely does a dvd or program cause that much influence on me immediately.

Mark's explanations are some of the most thorough and well spoken presentations I have seen. I can't wait to apply what I learned to my clients.

10/10 Best Swing Training Video/DVD I've seen!!!
By Matt Schmitt / Council Bluffs, USA

I've been using this DVD to learn how to properly do the swing for little over a month (3x per week). It contains all the information you need to know on how to do the swing properly and with out pain or aches. There may be more info on the swing than you wanted to know, but to learn the swing properly (without going to an instructor) you need to know the information laid out in the instructional DVD. Again, this DVD set was made for beginners or for people that have been doing the swing, but want to do it better.

I tried other DVDs and Videos, but they didn't go into as much detail, which lead me to do things wrong and have lower back issues. The instructions within this DVD helped be to learn the tips to doing the swing correctly and now I do not have back aches after doing the swing. I really like the 1st workout on the workout DVD. If you are new to swings, this will be a great starting workout. There are just under 150 full swings in Workout #1.

It also includes a second workout. My only gripe is that after trying it, workout #2 seems to be a bit of a jump from workout #1. You can just do two-hand swings along with workout #2, following the instructions in the beginning. But it just seemed to be a bit advanced to me. I know it is a workout that you "do what you can", but I still would have liked to see a workout (like the one linked below) that was a little more geared for beginners after Workout #1. I did not count the number of swings in Workout #2.

However, Tracy has an excellent On-the-Minute workout posted on her blog which I found and think to be a perfect bridge from Workout #1 to Workout #2. Here is her blog post about that workout: http://tracysfoodandthought.blogspot.com/2012/06/your-own-personal-trainer-train-along.html. I like this one as it is all two had swings, so I don't feel like I need to jump into some of the advanced swings. The workout on her blog will contain 215-414 swings in 26 minutes, depending on where you are at. I was able to do 300 swings my first time doing it.

NOTE: If for some reason the Link above does not work, check out Tracy's Blog called "Tracy Reifkind's Training Food and Thought". The blog post was posted on June 8th 2012 and is called "Your Own Personal Trainer! Train along with me in true "The Swing" style!".

It has been said (and I fully believe) this DVD is the closet thing to learning the swing you are going to get, without actually being able to see a RKC instructor.

I highly recommend this DVD to anyone interested in learning the swing. Esp. if you are unable to get training from an RKC instructor.


10/10 Great instruction
By Zac Zech / Great Falls, USA

I've only been using kettlebells for 7 months, and once I decided to look into using them, Dragon Door stood out imidiately as the only place to get reliable instruction, this DVD certainly continues that tradition. I've read several of Pavel's books and watched many Youtube videos of RKC's demonstrating Swings, I thought I had a pretty good handle on the swing, but I had to shut this DVD off before I got overwhelmed by all the new information I needed to absorb before moving on. This is a great aid for beginners and I'm certain it's something I will continue to refer to my clients after I become an HKC. Well done Mark and Tracy. You have done Dragon Door proud.

10/10 Home Run!!!
By Lance Coffel, RKC Team Leader / Portland, OR, USA

In order to properly learn Kettlebells Quintessential move you must start with a solid foundation. In Mastering The Hardstyle Kettlebell Swing, Mark and Tracy provide you with the tools to build that foundation!

I will enthusiastically recommend this DVD to anyone wanting to learn or improve their Swing.

9/10 Highly Recommended
By Jorge Austria / Mexico, D.F., Mexico

This dvd teaches you step by step like you must execute the swing correctly, he analyzes to detail: the position, respiration, variants and also it is provided with two workouts excellent for anyone who wants to maximize their ability.

Highly Recommended

10/10 great!!!!!

I am so pleased with this DVD. There is a lot of helpful information. This is one of the best that I own. Love It!!!!!

10/10 A Great Reference and Training Companion
By Russ Moon / Richmond, USA

It's all here at the level that you personally need it to be. If you need to start at A and connect the dots to B...you can do that or stop and hone that one position that's your weak link. Personally, I like having all the information because the only limitation is how much I can absorb and it also provides the option of connecting the known to the unknown.

The team breaks it down, the instruction is pure, the production quality is frankly better than some I have seen, that polish, it is there and it enhances your learning experience.

Drills - I fancy them, they can be a training session unto themselves and they serve their purpose to embed targeted dimensions of The Swing. Try them (hint: they work) and then try them with duals, see what happens to your single arm efforts ;)

Can your fundamentals really ever become too deep ? Mine need to run deeper so obviously I'm happy with my purchase.

Thank you to Master RKC, Mark Reifkind and Tracy Reifkind, RKC for sharing this work with us.

10/10 From 8 to 80 and everyone in between.
By Melvin Pride / Oneonta, United States

Anyone interested in perfectly swinging the kettlebell for all its wonderful benefits need this DVD set. I have practiced with the KB on and off for over 5 years. I would go for a while and my lower back would develope tenderness so I would quite. I always learned and gained so much in the area of strength, I would keep coming back: plus KBs are fun to play with. Well I bought Mark and Tracy's DVD set and they have broken down the mechanics of the swing into baby steps. The method is incredibly effective for teaching the swing, in my mind, perfectly. I am not even aware that I have a lower back when following their method. If I do become aware of my LB, I stop and review the different steps and practice them. BTW, practicing the steps of thier method is a good little workout in its self. Long and short of this review, you should not own a kettlebell without this DVD set.

9/10 Great Review of BASICS!
By Tom Liedblad / Victorville, CA, USA

I have worked out with KBs for about 6 years now. Got lessons from some very successful and well known coaches, but it is always good to review basics in any discipline.

This DVD not only presents a fantastic review of basics but adds vital explanations as to why form is important.

I am happy that I purchased this item.

10/10 Solid foundation for learning the Kettlebell Swing
By Dean D / Seattle, USA

I picked up a kettlebell for the 1st time 3 years ago. Initially learned how to swing it from reading a paperback. Since that time I've read different publications and viewed various DVD's on Kettlebell training. They touch lightly on the swing.

This DVD goes into detail how to effectively use the kettlebell as the ONLY tool necessary to achieve weightloss and fitness.

10/10 Wish I had this a couple years ago
By Ben Deppe / Saratoga Springs, USA

Just finished watching Mastering the Hardstyle Kettlebell Swing, and wow. I wish I had this when I first started working with kettlebells. They start literally from the bottom and build you up from there. Explanations and instruction are very clear and informative. Production value is good, and the overal price is excellent for a 2 DVD set. Highly recommend for beginners or instructors.

10/10 Awesome teaching
By Kellie Strickland / Decatur, USA

I am new to kettlebells and I have to say this video has the most information of any fitness oriented video I have ever seen. The way Tracy and Mark break down the swing into all of the various components is awesome! Not only can you see all the steps and are shown the proper way to execute for optimal results and safety but they explain why you are doing the steps. I like the workouts and being able to work along with Tracy and Mark and Fawn and know that I am losing weight and strengthening my body for every aspect of my life. This video is well worth having. Get this video and get your kettlebell on!

10/10 Wish I would have had this sooner!
By Bonnie Bowden / Erie, USA

I just received the dvd's. I've been doing KB's for 7 solid months now. I wish this would have been my first dvd. I could have saved myself the injury I've done to my left knee from improper swinging. I have 3 other cd's all from, supposedly, RKC instructors. I have not seen the level of instruction from any of the other instructors, as I have with this one. Also, the stretching I believe is so important, yet the other dvd's I have, offer none of this either. If you're a beginner or not, I recommend this highly. You will feel the difference when you are instructed on how to do it properly. Please keep them coming, Mark and Tracy...I will be a fan for life! The only drawback for me was it took 10 days for the shipment to arrive, if they have express shipping, don't hesitate! Thanks for creating this and sharing your wisdom with us!

10/10 Great for all of you who are swinging
By Lauri Koch / Marietta, GA, USA

This is a great video! It takes the most basic, but very good, exercise and breakes it down to the tiniest detail. If you want to learn how to master the swing and get it right this video is for you. Also it's awsome for a great "time saver" workout. yep, you got it ,you can do close to 500 swings in 25 min and burn approximately 20 cal/min. Prety good hu? So...no more excuses.

10/10 Definitely a must for your library!
By John Heinz, RKC Team Leader / Ottsville, PA, USA

It is old news that the swing is a cornerstone exercise. Therefore it is great to see that Mark and Tracy Reifkind have done a first class job with their new DVD, Mastering the HardStyle Kettlebell Swing. Whether the viewer is a beginner/novice with using kettlebells or HKC/RKC instructor, he or she will find this video chock full of pertinent information guaranteed to help with achieving a well performed swing. Mark and Tracy’s years of experience really show in their explanations and demonstrations. Basically this video is the whole toolkit needed to fix any issue with one’s swing, so it is a great resource for those teaching the exercise. Likewise for general practitioner, it is a great reminder for all nuanced points in performing the swing that one would have learned (but might have not remembered) from an RKC instructor. Definitely a must for your library!

10/10 Way to CUT down on the learning curve guys!
By Sheri Kaminski, NSCA-CPT/RKC / Las Vegas, Nevada

First, I fully enjoyed watching the DVDs...I IMMEDIATELY put the methods to work with my new students. Like magic, I find that people are really grasping the swing faster, it is more fun to teach, and the two swing concepts that I used to spend the most energy helping people get, HIKE it back, and LOCK at the top, now just seems to come easily and naturally to them. Thank you Tracy and Mark, you have made my job MUCH easier, and my client's are progressing faster towards their new strong lives!

Thanks for sharing the pain...er....um.... I mean the LOVE! It is again my honor and privilege to be a part of the RKC community!

10/10 Timeless drills
By Robert Budd, RKC Team Leader / Encinitas, CA, US

Mastering the Hardsyle Kettlebell Swing is a prime example of a quality product. I cannot overstate the value of learning and perfecting the swing. We have adopted these timeless drills used in Mastering the Hardstyle Kettlebell Swing in our Kettlebell Classes. Tracy and Mark Reifkind have just made learning from the best available to the masses!

10/10 Excellent Breakdown of the Swing!
By Carl Sipes / Washington, Il, USA

This is the most info I've ever seen on the swing in one place. The progressions are great for a beginner, someone that needs to go back and reconstruct their swing, or someone that wants to take a good swing and make it better. It's impossible to take home all the little introcacies of the swing that one gets at the RKC...this DVD is great step toward making it possible. My practice and instruction have both taken giant steps forward with this product.

8/10 Helped me greatly but boring.
By Don Mundo / Evergreen Park, USA

Informational DVD 1 is a little long and drawn out but very helpful. Tracy couldn't put a full sentence together if her life depended on it, very irritating. Love the training DVD 2.

10/10 Wow! Great Stuff!
By Kory Dykstra / Gwinn, USA

Exceptional (and to me) long overdue step-by-step breakdown of the king of kettelbell exercises! I must say I have learned more of the mechanics of the swing during the viewing of these videos, than in every other training video I have ever watched on kettlebell lifting; combined. I live in a relatively remote, rural area. The nearest RKC certified trainer is about a four hour drive for me. These videos help those of us who can't reasonably train with a certified trainer, to ensure that we are "doing it right". It is not possible to watch this video and still have questions about the kettlebell swing.

Due to the long (and sedentary) hours I generally work, I am always looking for a way to maximize my available workout time. Tracy's incredible body transformation (as outlined in "The 4-Hour Body" by Tim Ferriss) by just doing a swing program is an inspiration to us all. I have been practicing doing the follow-along workouts on DVD 2, seeing which one(s) work best for me. Fantastic! Get them, watch them, use them. You won't be sorry! As Pavel says, "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated!". I would just add that after trying them, you will gladly be assimilated. Way to go Mark and Tracy!

6/10 Wanted to like it, but no.
By Ric Nelson / Olympia, USA

I wanted to like this DVD. Upon viewing it, however, it seemed to be best for absolute beginners. I've been using kettlebells for 13 years now so there wasn't any new information in this DVD for me, in spite of the statements about learning new 'subtleties and nuances.' They are in there, to be sure, but if you've ever paid attention to one of Pavel's DVDs you already know those. There was some stuff that didn't need to be there. Nothing personal against Tracy, but it would have been a lot better with just Mark presenting. I do intend to recommend this DVD to friends who are starting out as a possible companion to Pavel's DVDs along with some extra things I think were missing.

9/10 Content is great
By Mike Biorn / Atlanta, GA, USA

For a beginner, for someone who teaches beginners, or for someone who wants to re-discover how the swing really works, this is a fantastic program. It is packed full of details to make anyone's swing better. Despite swinging during 3 sessions per week for 2 years, following DVD 1 and doing the workouts in DVD 2 made a significant difference for me -- and gave me a burn that my regular swinging hadn't done for a long time.

10/10 A must-buy for anyone interested in kettlebells!
By Barney Lane / Brisbane, AUSTRALIA

We all know it - the swing is king! This DVD epitomises everything hardstyle in an easy-to-follow format. After attending a beginner's course a year ago, it's amazing how much more I have picked up from this DVD regarding the subtle nuances of the kettlebell swing. I highly recommend this DVD to anyone getting started, through to those who have completed HKC, RKC, etc. Experience counts, and Mark & Tracy have it in poods!

10/10 A Must-Have If You Swing A Kettlebell
By Steve Freides / Ridgewood, USA

I always look at exercise DVD purchases with an eye towards value - did I learn something I didn't know before? Well, I learned a _ton_ of things I didn't know before, and since the cost of the DVD is less than even half a private workout with a trainer, I figure it's money that's been very, very well spent.

If you're the kind of person who wants to master the simple kettlebell swing and build your exercise universe around it - rather than trying to chase down the latest exercise fad - this is _your_ DVD. Get it, learn swing technique in great detail, and learn the many, many ways you can program yourself an exercise program built around this core movement of the RKC program.

By Larry Richelli / Twentynine Palms, USA

I have looked at a number of different kettlebell training vidos and I have to say that this one is just not worth the money. If you can get it for free or borrow it that would be ok because they do teach the basic swing although there is way too much talking. So the basic swing, the two handed swing and that's it for the kettle bells. There are other exercises but this is just not enough. I got suckered because of the title. "The HardStyle" . These CD's pale in comparison to anything Pavel or Chris Lopez teaches. Those guys teach the hard style!
I sure wish there was a way to get my money back but .......

10/10 Masterly Detail
By Rick Chafton / Crystal Lake, USA

I recieved this DVD about 2 weeks ago, in order to prepare for the upcoming HKC in Chicago. I watched it and learned much more than I thought was possible to learn about the swing. As I followed along with the exercise portions of the second disc, My 3.5 year old daughter grabbed a 4kg kettlebell, watched myself and the video, and was able to follow along. She was able to perform the movements with absolute perfect form. That's truly mastering your craft when a child can understand precisely what and how to do something. Before the video, the 24 kg was too much. Less than two weeks later, I need to order a 28kg. Thank you Mark and Tracy for your contribution to such an incredible tool. This small, black, iron ball has a lot of life to it. It takes a special type of person to bring that life out.

10/10 Thanks for the DVD. It works!
By Susan H. / Richmond, United States

Thanks for the DVD. It works! The kettlebell swing instructions on it are clear and easy to follow – for me, a non-professional. The exercises are amazing in their simplicity and effectiveness. I did not expect to find one exercise that can accomplish so much.

10/10 Detailed demonstration of proper form for swings.
By Steve Austin / Denver, Colorado, USA

This DVD provides an excellent build up from basic posture to the proper form for one-arm and two-arm Kettlebell swings together with stretches that help with the entire process. The accompanying workout DVD contains a practice workout and a really good full 30-minute workout for all the types of swings with equal work and rest intervals.

10/10 Learning to Swing the Right Way
By Terry Eichler / San Francisco, CA, USA

Learning to swing the right way gives the foundation upon which to build you house of strength and power. The swing is the foundation of all kettlebell exercises. Reading books on the technique just does not match the teaching expertise that Mark and Tracy give in this DVD. They drill each little step of the swing so well that it easily incorporates into the entire movement. After drilling each segment, the swing becomes a whole movement. Being aware of each different part of the swing makes for not only a secure feeling, but gives a sense of control along with the satisfaction that you finally got it right. Feeling your body the next day further proves that their teaching was just what you needed.

10/10 excellent learning (and doing) dvd on swings!
By vanessa walters / Red Cloud, USA

I bought this, after realizing that learning and then doing swings is WAY more important, than I had thought. I had done swings in workouts, but didnt give much thought to doing them as properly and safely as they could and should be done. I am very glad to have bought this! The couple are very precise in their information, what to do, how and when to do it. I recommend this to anyone in kettlebells- beginners (so they can learn it correctly the first time) to 'old-timers' who want to improve the swing, and make it work better. Well worth the money!!

10/10 kicked my butt
By Chuck Willis / Waldport,OR, USA

outstanding workout. I have worked out for years. This is the best.

8/10 ReAly helped
By Joshua S / Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Informative, knowledgeably showed proper form and technique.

7/10 Good but...
By Becky Gentry / Portland, OR, US

I have been training with kettlebells for about a year now and have learned a slight different version of the swing so bought this dvd to understand the hip snap. There was nothing in the entire video that talked about the hip snap and what happens with the knees. The video was 2 hours long and they went through every other possible step that there could be to the swing, but didn't once mention the hip snap...WHY????

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