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10/10 Rerview of Drew RKC San Jose 2012
By Michael Galan / Osaka, Japan

Drew was very observant and concise with his explanations. He would take the extra time to go over specifics and corrections individually with each person. He personally, spent extra time me with after ther course was finished to demonstrate some variations from what we learned to further give me an understanding and an alternate use for some exercises. Throughout the course, Drew exhibited a high level of competence, patience, and above all professionalism. I owe my ability to pass the RKC to his guidance and encouragement.

10/10 Fantastic Strength Trainer for the Cycling Athlete
By Meredith Ashby / San Jose, CA, USA

I joined Drew's RKC class after realizing I needed a serious strength training program if I ever wanted to escape the granny gear during ascents.

Drew took the time from the start to understand my goals, and began with a full movement assessment. One of the first issues Drew addresses was a nagging shoulder pain that had been restricting my movement for several months. I became a believer when his prescription of many, many get-ups had the problem resolved in just a few weeks. The movement assessment also brought to my attention that some 10 years after a hip replacement, I was still not fully engaging muscles on the operated side - an issue we continue to work on.

Best of all, as a result of Drew's class, my cycling hill ascents have dramatically improved this past summer. My personal record up Old La Honda went from 38 minutes in May, to 32 min 12 sec in July, and 27 min 23 sec in September. All this despite an bicycle vs car accident that necessitated taking 3 weeks off the bike mid-summer. For sure, all the swinging, squatting, and core work played a big part in my improvements, since last year I never beat 33 minutes, even at the end of summer.

But most importantly, the class is really fun. Drew has an infectious enthusiasm and a dry sense of humor, and we students have developed a real esprit-de-corps as a result. I really look forward to attending class and see myself sticking with it for a long time.

10/10 Review of Drew Vercellino - RKC Instructor
By Terrel Hill / San Jose, CA

I started RKC training four months ago after not exercising for almost a decade. My motivations to begin RKC stemmed from getting older, my body was not as healthy as it once was, and I was feeling more cathartic. Drew is the first fitness coach I've worked with as an adult. Before I swung a kettle bell, Drew performed a full screening and listened to my health history, he asked me about my goals, he asked me what I wanted to achieve, and he shared a lot of information about this form of exercise. This information gave me confidence that I could succeed and achieve my goals.

Drew pushes me to work hard but safely. He makes sure I stop before my technique gets sloppy from fatigue or I hurt myself. He emails me a few times a month to check in and the makes the time to connect with me. I know he cares about me and wants me to achieve my goals.

While I am obviously far from poster child for RKC, my overall heath has improved since taking Drew's class. I feel the difference in my energy, I feel stronger and healthier, I have greatly improved endurance, and I have lost some of my weight goal. If you have considered Kettlebells, or you just want to get back into shape, Drew's class is an excellent choice. He will personalize the class workout for you so that you can maximize the time you have to work out and achieve your fitness goals.

10/10 An Unparalleled Trainer
By Shawn O'Brien / San Jose, USA

Extraordinary! I have never met a trainer with such vast knowledge of health and fitness. Every class he’d have some new tid bit to share. Drew is an amazing trainer and person; I came to him after almost a year of kettle bell training with another RKC. He fixed my snatch and has been momentous in increasing my joint mobility. He makes everyone do a movement screen before you train with him; it allows him to tailor the workouts to your specific needs. After training with several different RKC’s I can say that Drew is definitely one of the best out there. So if your looking for results rather than just someone to tell you how to throw weights around I suggest giving Drew a call.

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