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Praise for the Ab Pavelizer II™

"After using the Ab Pavelizer for one month I have exciting success to report. I am 62 and have not had abs showing since I was 20. I have been using the Ab Pavelizer now 2 or 3 times per week starting with negatives using the bungee cords. Now I can do 3 sets of 5 reps with hands on my chest. Last night, after my workout I flexed my stomach and for the first time in 42 years I can see 6 abdominal muscles. I still need to lose some fat to get them defined but the surprising thing is that I have not lost any weight. I am still 180 pounds at 5' 10" tall. I am very pleased with the results and will keep working with it until I can do 10 positives. I told a friend of mine about my results and he is ordering one today."
George Boedecker, Professional Development Manager, IBM Dallas, Texas

"I want to thank you for designing the Pavelizer. It really works! I baby-sat my three grandchildren these last three weeks and am having NO back pain. Usually when I am there I do so much lifting that it takes me at least four days to start feeling better. (They are 1 1/2, 2 1/2 and 5 Years old.) I also helped one other person unload two 25 foot long trucks of potted bamboo plants last Monday. I was amazed at the difference I felt compared to what I could have expected. I paid attention to lifting as you showed in the class and know what a difference that made too. I am doing 5 reps daily and just about to add the second set this week. Thank you so much for such a great device!"
Sally, Seattle, WA

"As a 52 year old business owner with a yen to get strong(er) and lean(er) (not a SWAT team member nor a body-buiilder), within 2 weeks of receiving Pavel's Rapid Response tapes, using them only intermittently as my travel schedule has permitted, I have increased my deadlifts from 245 pounds to 265, my one-arm presses from 45 pounds to 65 pounds, my single arm curls from 45 pounds to 55 pounds, my pullups from zero to three. I use the Pavelizer I bought earlier this year correctly every day that I'm home, and I'm wearing 36-inch pants loosely that had been in my closet gathering dust as the dreaded middle-aged spread obeyed the laws of gravity and sloth. I combine the Breath of Fire and Second Focus techniques explained and demonstrated Pavel's Rapid Response tapes with my martial arts routine for more explosive power, and am ridiculously close to doing the splits for the first time in my life. As someone who was receiving physical therapy for herniated disks a few years ago, I also use Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning drills (especially the wall climb and bridging) and have no back pain whatsoever. Which was never the case when I was jogging as my sole form of exercise.

The nice thing about Pavel's tapes (and Matt's as well) is that they're almost better than a "live" seminar because I can review them whenever I want. As a person who travels every week on business, I find that the combination of Pavel's Rapid Response program and Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning have gotten me into the best shape of my life (I guess if you live long enough, the possibilities are enormous). The workouts leave me feeling fresh and energized; and I use Pavel's breathing techniques to deal with work situations on almost a daily basis. So, thank you, thank you, and thank you. I'm ready for more."
Ken Harper
CEO and Principal Storyteller
Rolling Thunder Marketing and Media
Seattle/Portland/Washington, D.C.